Code of Discipline for Children

Just as a house needs a good foundation to support it, similarly the practice of meditation needs a good foundation. This foundation is built by following the Code of Conduct. These five percepts will also help you not to harm or hurt yourself or anybody else in any way. You should agree to follow these rules because they will provide a good foundation for your meditation practice and will give you mental strength.

The Five Percepts

  1. I promise to try to treat all beings kindly and not kill them or harm them in any way.
  2. I promise to take only what is given to me and not take anything which belongs to others without permission.
  3. I promise not to indulge in any sexual activity. I promise to treat other boys and girls as if they were my brothers or sisters or best friends.
  4. I promise to speak truthfully, kindly and gently, and not to tell lies or to say hurtful things to anybody or about anybody.
  5. I promise not to take any alcohol, drugs or intoxicants, but to keep my mind clear.

I also promise to do my best to follow the instructions that I will be given during my meditation course.