Dhamma Kalyana

Well-being of Dhamma | Website | Maps
Dhori Ghat, near Hanuman Temple Village Ema, P.O. Rooma - 209402
India | Uttar Pradesh | Kanpur
Phone: 8601238139

The students must be double vaccinated

Course Year 2024
Apply Dates Course Type Status Comments
20 Jul - 31 Jul 10 Day Course
In Progress
28 Jul - 28 Jul 1 Day Course
For Old Students (10 AM to 5 PM)
5 Aug - 16 Aug 10 Day Course
Old Male - Open
Old Female - Open
New Male - Closed
New Female - Open
Server Male - Open
Server Female - Open
20 Aug - 31 Aug 10 Day Course
25 Aug - 25 Aug 1 Day Course
For Old Students (10 AM to 5 PM)
1 Sep - 4 Sep 3 Day Course
For Old Students only
5 Sep - 16 Sep 10 Day Course
20 Sep - 1 Oct 10 Day Course
22 Sep - 22 Sep 1 Day Course
For Old Students (10 AM to 5 PM)
5 Oct - 16 Oct 10 Day Course
20 Oct - 31 Oct 10 Day Course
27 Oct - 27 Oct 1 Day Course
Applications accepted starting Jul 29
For Old Students (10 AM to 5 PM)
5 Nov - 16 Nov 10 Day Course
Applications accepted starting Aug 7
20 Nov - 1 Dec 10 Day Special Course
Applications accepted starting Aug 22
For Old Students only
24 Nov - 24 Nov 1 Day Course
Applications accepted starting Aug 26
For Old Students (10 AM to 5 PM)
5 Dec - 16 Dec 10 Day Course
Applications accepted starting Sep 6
20 Dec - 31 Dec 10 Day Course
Applications accepted starting Sep 21
22 Dec - 22 Dec 1 Day Course
Applications accepted starting Sep 23
For Old Students (10 AM to 5 PM)


Old students are those who have completed a 10-day Vipassana Meditation course with S.N. Goenka or his Assistant Teachers. Old students have the opportunity to provide Dhamma Service at the courses listed.

10-day Courses are an introductory course to Vipassana Meditation where the technique is taught step-by-step each day. The courses begin after a 2 - 4 pm registration period and orientation, followed by 10 full days of meditation, and end the morning of the 11th day by 7:30 am.

Satipatthana Sutta Courses have the same timetable and discipline as 10-day courses. The difference is that in the taped evening discourses the Satipatthana Sutta is carefully examined. This is the principal text in which the technique of Vipassana is systematically explained. These courses are open to serious old students who have sat (not including courses served) at least three 10-day courses, have not been practising any other meditation techniques since last 10-day course, have been practising this technique of Vipassana for at least one year, and who are trying to maintain their meditation practice and the five precepts in their daily lives, at the very minimum from the time of applying to the course.

Children's Courses are open for all children aged 8-12 years old who wish to learn to meditate. Their parents/guardians do not have to be meditators.

Teenager's  Courses are open for all teenagers aged 13-18 years old who wish to learn to meditate. Their parents/guardians do not have to be meditators.

Old Student Short Courses (1, 2 or 3 days) are for any student who has completed the 10-day course with S.N. Goenka and his assistant teachers. All old students are welcome to apply to attend these courses, including those where it has been some time since their last course.

Special 10-day Courses are open only to serious Old Students committed to this technique who have completed a minimum of five 10-day courses, one Satipatthana Sutta course, given Dhamma Service at least one 10-day course, and have been practicing regularly for at least two years.

20-day Courses are open only to serious Old Students committed to this technique who have completed a minimum of five 10-day courses , one Satipatthana Sutta course, given Dhamma Service at least one 10-day course, and have been practicing regularly for at least two years.

30-day Courses are open only to serious Old Students committed to this technique who have completed a minimum of six 10-day courses (one since their first 20-day course), one 20-day course, one Satipatthana Sutta course, and have been practicing regularly for at least two years.

45-day Courses are open only to persons involved in Dhamma Service and Assistant Teachers who have completed a minimum of seven 10-day courses (one since their first 30-day course), two 30-day courses, one Satipatthana Sutta course, and have been practicing regularly for at least three years.

60-day Courses are reserved for:

  • Active ATs who have sat at least two 45-day courses and conduct at least four 10-day courses annually.
  • Those who are enrolled in or about to enter AT Training, have sat two 45-day courses, have served at least four 10-day courses in the past 12 months and/or are deeply involved in daily Dhamma service.
  • In some areas, non-ATs may be accepted as rare exceptions if they have completed at least two 45-day courses, served at least four 10-day courses annually and/or are deeply involved in daily Dhamma service.

Teacher's Self-Course-TSC (Gratitude Course) Each year Principal Teachers S N Goenka and Mrs Goenka (Mataji) sat their own course in India. This was traditionally called the Teacher's Self Course (TSC). Now some centres are organizing commemorative courses with this or other names. Requirements should be the same as for the TSC. Following are TSC Requirements:

  • Must be a serious old student who is making a significant contribution to the spread of Dhamma.
  • Must be practising Vipassana exclusively (not practicing any other meditation techniques).
  • Must have sat at least one Satipatthana Sutta Course.
  • Must have local Teachers' recommendation.
  • Priority will be given to those who have not sat a TSC before.
  • Must be keeping sila from the time of application.


  • 6 months interval is must between any two long(20/30/45/60 day) courses.
  • 10 days interval is must between any long(20/30/45/60 day) course and 10-day/STP/SPL/Gratitude course.
  • These restriction is not applicable for serving the courses.